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Teaching is a profession I so much admire and have for a long time desired to work in, so when the opportunity to become a teacher showed up, I grabbed it with all seriousness because I'm the type who loves having children around me, and teaching is an avenue I believe will help me impact knowledge and instill values in the lives of these coming generations.


[***Image by Kampus Production on Pexels.***](

Teaching is one of the noblest professions you'll find out there; it's the profession that's responsible for grooming every other professional before they divert into their segment, and if I had the privilege to be a teacher, of which I am already one, the subject I'm presently teaching is what I'll still go for; if you'll wish to find out what subject it is, kindly read to the end of this article.

***So in response to the Hive Learners community prompt, today I'll be writing about the subject I'd love to teach if I happened to be a teacher, although I'm presently teaching the subject I'm about to talk about, so to know why, kindly read through the reasons below.***


The subject I'd love to teach if I were a teacher is computer studies, and the reason for this can't be far off, although before I proceed to the reason, it's worthy of note that I'm currently a teacher by profession, and the subject I'm talking about is what I currently teach at my place of work.

The world, as we all know, is improving at a steady pace, and the reason for this is that it's driven by technology. Computer studies is the subject that will make students aware, knowledgeable, and conversant with this innovation because it's the origin of technological devices.


[***Image by Budgeron Bach on Pexels.***](

With the technology improvement and how the world is being sharpened presently, most of the basic things we do presently with manpower will be done with technology devices, and for someone who isn't conversant with how to operate or navigate the computers, blending with the trend would be a difficult thing to do for such.

So one of my major tasks and reasons for loving to teach them this subject is to get them inclined about ICT, the various ways to easily understand each device and how to operate them; this also includes teaching them how these technological devices are built. If they fall in love with the subject, they can decide to learn further to expand their knowledge and become professionals in the field as well.

That doesn't imply that only those who wish to further their studies in computers will find this teaching beneficial; almost every section uses technological devices, and to operate them one needs to have some basic knowledge, and that's where the teachings of computer studies and ICT play a big role.

That's about all on the subject I'll love to teach if I happen to be a teacher; I'm a teacher presently, and that's the subject I teach, but then I wrote this in response to the HIVE learners community prompt that was stated in Kronias' article; you can check it out to get the full information.

Thanks so much for reading through, have a blessed day ahead.

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THE SUBJECT I WOULD TEACH IF I WERE A TEACHER was published on and last updated on 28 Feb 2023.