The hive blockchain can be regarded as an island of knowledge, a home of information, and relatable lessons that can go on to be implemented in our daily lives to make them much better. Although I'm barely up to two years on the hive blockchain, I can tell you for a fact that the way I deal with things has changed drastically due to the various lessons I've learned, and in a nutshell, my life can be seen as a testament to the impact of hive.
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I joined the hive Blockchain full of both doubt and determination, doubt as regarding how true it's to earning via writing, and determination via the testimony of those who invited me, having a mindset that if they can do it, then I can also do the same or much better, but things didn't go as planned for me in my early days on the hive, and on several occasions I could have contemplated giving up, but rather than doing that, I indulge in something else that raises my hope, and each time I do that, I'm reenergized to keep striving to excel here.
Without taking much of your time, let's look into one of the core lessons I've learned on hive and how it's been instrumental in my daily life off hive blockchain. The lesson I'll be talking about is no other than a valid one everyone needs in our bid towards attaining greater heights, because without it, success can't be attained, and it's no other than the power to persevere and never give up.
Perseverance is the ability to stand firm in the face of challenges and difficulties. It's not easy for someone to be headstrong or stick with their plans when things aren't going as planned, and when I looked into my first days on Hive, the road was so rough and unpleasant, although my writing wasn't at the level it was now. Yet I was putting in my best efforts and getting close to nothing on it. That can be painful and discouraging, and in those days, I saw many leaves due to the low support.
I could have followed the crowd who left due to that reason, but then I thought deeply and came to the conclusion that those who are excelling here do have two heads, so if they are making it, then I'll make it as well. During those days, I was also able to come across a video of starstrings01's account that covers his early days on hive when he doesn't get up to 1 dollar worth of rewards on his post for over a long period, and the later part of the video shows how well he was doing then, with him earning over 100 dollars. That was like an energizer to me because I immediately made up my mind to persevere, regardless of what I'm seeing presently.
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Perseverance and not giving up are difficult things for me to do personally because I'm the type of person who, prior to joining the hive, didn't mind giving up on anything that was giving me less than I wanted. I can remember quitting my computer training institute back then, and even though my dad was hell-bent on me going back, I never did. But with the lesson learned on Hive via the Starstrings01 video and other people I met onboard, I had a change of heart and adopted perseverance as a lifestyle.
And moving forward, this has helped me greatly on occasion in my day-to-day life, which was the core reason why I'm still giving some things I would have let go of a second chance now, and some of such things have blessed me greatly, so I'm grateful to the hive for helping me instill perseverance in me.
It's not like I've attained the height I looked forward to in those early days yet, but the difference has been obvious and significant compared to those early days, so I'm grateful that I persevered, and I'm now enjoying the benefits of that endurance.
That's about all the lessons I've learned via the Hive blockchain as a blogger. These lessons have been instrumental in my personal life offline, so I'm grateful for the privilege. Thanks so much for your time. Have a wonderful day ahead.
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