We've all got goals and aspirations that we wish to achieve but are being hindered from doing so because of the absence of one thing or another. In order to bring our aspirations to fulfillment, we must work towards putting those things in place. I, for one, have always dreamed of taking my hive activities beyond just blogging to gaming and possibly many others, but am being hindered by a lack of a power supply and personal computer that'll aid the easy navigation of those games.
In order to bring this to reality, since I already identified some of the few things that serve as a barrier between me and my ambition, I decided to take steps towards achieving them so I can finally get onboard to playing hive games such as Splinterlands, Dcrop, and several others. First things first, I realized that even if I purchase a laptop, I'll still have an electricity issue, which will make the PC useless to me, so I decided to get the power issue sorted first.
Since I don't have money to acquire such, I decided to take a loan, with which I thereafter purchased a solar inverter to aid me in getting a substantial power supply in my house on a daily basis. The solar cost about 250 000 naira, and after that, I needed to take a break to pay the loan for the money spent to purchase the solar before moving on to purchasing a PC.
Well, now I've got to just put in my best effort in order to get my loan off my sleeve and then gather enough to purchase the PC, and hopefully getting into blockchain games such as Splinterlands and Co. will pave the way for more streams of income for me in my bid to attain financial freedom.
NB: I make use of Quillbot grammar checker features to help correct some of my grammatical and punctuation errors after writing my content by myself.
Thanks so much for your time, have a blessed day ahead.
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