My progress on the hive over the years is a testament to the goodness of the hive blockchain and my consistent and resilient attitude towards everything that faces me on the hive blockchain. I've been on the hive blockchain for less than two years, and although the journey was a rollercoaster ride, I'm excited about the way things are going, and today I'll love to share my experience with you.
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I joined Hive with job hopes, zeal, and enthusiasm to excel, and even though at the beginning things seemed as though they wouldn't work out well or that the journey would be slow, in the long run, I indulged in some things that changed the pace of my progress here on Hive.
When it comes to my progress on hive, I won't say I'm doing badly because there are people who joined after me and are more successful than I'm, and neither would I say I'm overly progressing well because there are people who joined before me and yet I'm doing exceedingly well than they're doing. Personally, I'll say it all boils down to your personal knowledge and understanding of hives, how willing you're to learn and invest your time in them, and much more, to mention but a few. If I were to take sides, I'd say I'm progressing well for how far I've come within two years here on hive; I'm only a couple of HP short of 6,000 hive power, and yet I'm not up to two years on hive, and that's just aside from my hive engine investment and some jobs I've been able to secure here in hive that kept on aiding my progress and expanding my knowledge here on hive.
Well, without beating around the bush, I'll love to share what has made my hive progress the way it has and how this can be used as a focal point for others aspiring for the same.
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Engagement and asking questions: this really helped me during my early days here on the hive, because I was a novice with little or no knowledge about hives, and the best thing anyone should do when in a new space is to communicate with others and ask questions in order to equip themselves with adequate information that'll help them understand the space and also aid their growth.
Setting goals: Setting goals is one of the main reasons why I'm progressing well on Hive because I'm the type of person who loves to fall short of my goals, so setting goals literally kept me on my toes to always work towards attaining those goals. From daily posting to daily power-ups and HP targets for each other, these goals stood as a driving force for me to keep coming back and striving to attain them.
Joining the Discord channel and making friends: This is highly essential and has greatly aided my progress on Hive, and I'll advise anyone who wishes to grow to try as much as possible to join the Hive-related Discord channel, community with people there, and make friends. Via that, they'll be up-to-date on what's happening on Hive, get information about ongoing contests, and also be inspired by other people's goals and hive progress stories.
The above-listed few points helped greatly and are the main reason why I'm at the level I'm presenting. It also goes down to one's commitment, desire to grow, and resilience to achieve it in the face of challenges; without this, you can't attain or make progress, so always put in your all towards these activities, and the sky will be your starting point.
Thanks so much for your time. Have productive dealings here on the hive.
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