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My favorite picnic experience

Going out on a picnic is always an exciting experience filled with many pleasant moments, such as the food, reunion, togetherness, sightseeing, fun, games, and the like, to mention but a few. Although I'm not the type who goes out a lot due to my introverted traits, I went on a picnic last year, and being the most recent, I think it's my favorite since I've only had a handful of such experiences.


Early last year, the youth in my church decided to go on a picnic and were at a crossroads between going to a flower garden located in Kwara State, Nigeria, or the University of Ilorin Zoo, also located in Ilorin Kwara state Nigeria. After much deliberation between us, we all agreed to visit the flower garden. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the place, we were told it had already been booked by a particular NGO, so we had to make do with the zoo, and this is my experience.

After we were all done, we set out for the zoo with our packages containing foods, drinks, and snacks. On arrival, we chose a spot under the tree where we spread our mat and sat down to relax before moving around the zoo to see what they'd got in store for us. IMG_20220528_181731.jpg

After relaxing, I walked with one of my closest friends just like everyone else walked in twos or more for sightseeing, via which I set out to feed my eyes with some of the many wild animals I'm seeing for the very first time in my life. Although I was scared since I'm fainthearted, I still long to see each one, praying the gate used to hold these animals at bay won't fall off.


I got to see a lion for the very first time. I was excited to even see it roar. It was a scary experience, as all the ground around us was shaking as he roared. I also saw snakes, tigers, leopards, different species of birds, and the like. It was a pleasant but scary experience.

Since the picnic is mostly about getting to catch up with one another over food and the like, I'll focus on the activities after the sightseeing around the zoo. After the sightseeing around the zoo, we all came back and saw a table tennis board close to where we spread our mats, so some of us went there to play until the youth leaders called our attention for some discussion and activities.

We discussed topics ranging from our lives, what's going on, business and investment opportunities we know of, how to live a god-fearing life, and also indulged in some games like Scrabble. The one I enjoyed most was the fastest to drink a soda can at a time without stopping. Though I didn't participate, I enjoyed the sight of people gushing the drinks down their throats, how they choked, and the like. IMG_20220528_182133.jpg

Overall, it was a delightful experience that I enjoyed a lot. It was the very first time I'd gone out on a picnic in over 5 years, so I guess that contributed to it being an enjoyable one for me that I held in high esteem.

That's about all on my favorite picnic experience, and it was written in participation with the WEEKEND EXPERIENCE community writing prompt hosted by @galenkp . You can read this to get more information.

Thanks so much for your time and support, stay bless.

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My favorite picnic experience was published on and last updated on 23 Jul 2023.