Being an influencer hasn't really been my thing, although I've come to admire or disapprove of some of them and also disapprove of others based on their stand on different issues and the like. Being an introvert, I don't really buy the idea of being the face of the public, but if I were to be an influencer, the kind of narrative and brand I'd push are related to what a particular influencer is doing. This is something I've always wished I could jump on, and seeing him do it effortlessly, I can't help but get inspired to live the dream I've been aspiring to.
Image nappy on pexels
Being an influencer comes with loads of things that range from attention to making friends and earning in the process. For one, I don't like the publicity, but based on something I've noticed around me and our world at large, I felt if I were to be an influencer, then I'd use my influence to correct some anomalies that've been made normal in our world today, and with that, I hope to make the world a safe and decent place for all to live in.
Just like the fast-rising influencer TheveryDarkman, who has over the month become a public sensation for some of his outstanding acts and influencers in standing out to speak against some unhealthy acts that have filled our society, just like we've seen him call out skill care product owners for producing products that are not licensed and yet they sell them to the general public to be consumed, and this ends up leading to many having skin cancer and the like.
So just like him, if I were to be an influencer, I'd use my platform to correct some bad things we've had going on in our society for a long time, and yet people dim it as normal, and the results of such have been causing havoc to society at large. Someone needs to speak against all of this, or it'll keep spreading like wildfire until it consumes it all.
And some of the narrative I'll push is to number one: stop societal and peer pressure among ourselves in society. This is one big stronghold that has killed many and even made many feel worthless, even to the point of taking their own lives just because they couldn't stand the shame and depression that followed such pressure, and this pressure can be imposed on individuals by friends, family, girlfriends, hypemen, musicians, influencers, and the like.
In our world today, we've come to see people shame each other; we've seen them reduce others to nothing because they feel others don't amount to anything because they're poor; they believe if you're not rich, then you've got no right to talk in public, give suggestions, and fall in love. It's quite disheartening that you'll see some ladies who are so specific that if you don't have a house or a car and use a specific type of phone, then you shouldn't bother approaching them about love.
Image by Malte Luk on pexels
All of this, in my opinion, is bad and shouldn't be allowed to consume our society. Not everyone has the ability to shoulder such pressure, while some can end up being depressed, some took their own lives because they couldn't stand the shame, and those who don't do any of the above dive into evil acts that, in the long run, cause harm and harm to others just so they can also amount to something and become rich.
Out of pressure we've seen people dive into internet fraud, popularly known has yahoo in Nigeria, we've seen others jump into ritual rite, killing others for sacrifice, arm robbery and kidnapping just so they can also have money and not be ridicule in the society, and this is all down to what we've made normal in our society, the pressure is to much and we also celebrate people in as much as they're rich, this is bad because sometimes we're aware of the source of the wealth of such people has been shewdy and yet we hype they until we become their prey.
If you live in Nigeria, then you'll be familiar with the hypeman act of praising the rich and breaking down the poor, which can be harmful. The same is the case with musicians. I'll just use one recent and popular song as an example. See the song My G by Kizz. Daniel is one I believe can also cause such havoc, and all of this needs to be spoken against; otherwise, well, keep experiencing ritual killing, organ harvesting, kidnapping, Yahoo, and the likes because people will do anything to become rich nowadays.
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The lyrics, when interpreted, say, "My friend, do you have money? Do you have money? If you don't, stay in your lane; it's no one's business what I do with my life." and so on and so forth. All of these songs we can dance to, but the message in them carries power and can do a lot of damage. All of this needs to be vetted, and someone needs to speak out about it, because most of these musicians, like hypeman and others, won't mind singing to praise the thief and ritualist as much as they're paid.
As an influencer, I'll call a spade a spade and make sure to use my platform to educate people about the need to dream but also not let life pressure them to do what is ungodly.
That's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed the read. Though I don't want to be an influencer, if I were to be one, the above is what I'd use my influence to correct in our society.
Thanks for your time, have a wonderful night rest.
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