The continuos increase in fuel price and it scarcity as affected almost everyone, to the point where taxis drivers and other transport workers prefer to park their vehicle and sit at home.
Fuel price that was N165 some weeks ago, is not been sold at N500 and above, and still you might need to queue for several hours or days before it'll get to your turn.
It really saddens my heart when I see how things is going in the country and what people are passing through.
I read @titly post some days ago, where she as to close her store earlier than normal because people come out to the market to purchase stuff due to the hike in prices of price, which as also resulted to increase in price of goods, since the amount they paid just to carry their goods to the market as left them with no choice than to increase the price of goods.
I could remember I was traveling from Ilorin to Omi Aran(both within Kwara state), and I was shock when I was told the transport fare is 1500, that's about times two of it initial price of 700.
I would have turn back and head home if what I wanted to do their wasn't that Important.
And these pictures entails my ordeals at the market few days ago, prices of goods are so I that one as to alter the desired list I had in mind before going to the market.
I hoped things and the price of fuel Experience a shift positively soon.
The street are dry and so is the main road, because must vehicle were parked at the felling station, queuing to purchase fuel.
Greetings to @dswigle and the #marketfriday community at large.
Much love from: @vickoly
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