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Installation of pumping pipes and tools for my house water project || Aiding the free flow of water during the drought


In continuation of work a my place as I hope to curb the effect of the dry season, that usually lead to us not having water at all and when we do, clean water are always hard to come by, so after building the water tank stand to a sustainable stage, we began work within the house by doing some pumping work, which includes fixing the pipes and necessary tools/appliances into the appropriate places.


In my two previous post here and here I talked about how we built the water tank stand, and subsequently here we are working and fixing the necessary tools that will aid the transportation of the water tank to every corner of the house outside where water will be needed.

Prior to this time, we've usually fetch water manually from the well, and take it to wherever it's needed, but once these projects get accomplish, water will freely flow to all the parts of the house, without going through stress of fetching from the well and moving it about.


Purchasing these tools as not been a easily task at all, because it all cost nothing less than ₦200,000.00 in our local currency, and that's around $281 used in purchasing the washing hand basin, pipes, screw, shower tube and the likes.

So in making the installing the various tools like washing hand basin and the bathroom shower stand look as it is below, I'll be sharing some of the pictorial and explanatory process of the making.



Firstly it's worth of note that, it is not advisable to do these things ourselves, except you have a first hand experience of how it's being installed, because it could lead to different catastrophic event within the house.

Luckily for me I've worked as a labourer for different pumpers and my brother who is a bricklayer as also worked alongside them on many occasions, so with those experiences, we set out to work, by first purchasing the necessary tools and materials after making a survey of what we need.



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So to install each tools to the appropriate place, I first to measure of the length, then we dug the part where the pipes will be put through within the wall of the building, which will as well lead to the water tank outside. IMG_20220513_103644.jpg

After these was done and the pipe was cut to the appropriate sizes, I start installing each one that lead to the tap, washing hand basin, water closet and shower.

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  • When all pipes as installed, then then I attached the tools like washing hand basin and the likes to it. IMG_20220513_143502.jpg


These is the stage we are presently, we'll be doing the external pipe installation some other time, also there is a need to purchase the pumping machine, but it seems that will delay the completion and usage of the project, because I can't afford it presently, but within next month I should be able to purchase and fix it as well.

Thanks for checking out my blog post, have a blessed and productive time.

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Installation of pumping pipes and tools for my house water project || Aiding the free flow of water during the drought was published on and last updated on 24 Aug 2022.