Hello hive comedy open mic friends and fellow hive comedians! It's my first time here, and today I'll love to share a very hilarious yet disheartening occurrence that happened between a couple in my neighborhood. These couples are very popular in our neighborhood for one singular reason, which is that they continuously have misunderstandings, but last week they took their differences to a whole new level that both cracks us up and also makes us fear for the future of their children.
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It happened that, just like every other time that they have conflict between themselves, we started hearing noise and confrontation between both parties regarding the issue of the husband returning home late, and the wife took it up, saying he most likely visited another lady and was only coming home late at night to sleep.
The noise soon left their room, and before we knew it, they were already outside in the middle of the street trading words. Even though I don't like diving into such situations, I had no choice but to come out when I realized they'd started to embarrass themselves by trashing each other's clothes. Not long after I went out to separate them, the wife slapped her husband, and in return, the husband slapped her back immediately, and that resulted in the hilarious scene of the day.
Wife: (in tears) You slapped me. How dare you slap me? You promised not to lay your hands on me, and now you're beating me in public. Then she grabbed his shirt by the collar, shouting, You must kill me today.
Me: (in my mind), which drama is this woman acting, but you slapped him first? Why are you hurt by his own slap? ( I'm not a fan of domestic violence, but then I found it hilarious that someone is hunting because someone did back what they did to them).
Husband: (Has though he read my mind.) Why are you trying to make me look like the bad egg? Did you not slap me first? Why would you slap me? Or don't I have feelings?
Before we knew it, the woman threw the first bomb, which led to another round of amusement for us.
Wife: I'm tired of this marriage; I'm leaving this house today, and with that statement, she walked inside to pack her belongings.
Husband: Where do you think you're going? Wife: My parents house, of course. If you can't treat me well, I know my parents will. Husband: If that's the case, I'm so going, and he also walked inside to pack his belongings.
Wife: Where do you think you're going? Oh, because I'm leaving, you're already moving to your concubine's house, right?
Husband: No, I'm also going to my parents house; I can't keep up with your maltreatment.
Within a few minutes, both came out separately with their bags, ready to leave the house. Trust me, it sounds like a movie, and I literally struggle with myself not to laugh or let out any form of smile in reaction to what I'm witnessing.
The tips of the icing cake played out when both wanted to start leaving the house with their two children still inside, then one of our other neighbors asked:
Neighbor: What about your children? Won't you carry them along?
Husband: That's none of my business; they should go to their parents house. Wife: It's their father's cup of tea.
And with that, both the husband and the wife left for their various destinations, leaving their two children behind.
And that's how both of them left the house and the children behind at about 10 p.m. in the night. We thought it was a joke and that they'd return home soon, but by the time it was almost 12 a.m. and none of them was forthcoming, and neither even picked out calls, we had no choice but to take the children in with us. Well, fortunately for the children, the parents of the couple met the following day, and they were able to settle their differences, but they didn't return home to the children until the evening of the next day.
Though a funny and awkward experience, I can't help but laugh at the fact that both couples left their house for their various parents houses and even said the children should go to their parents houses. Well, ain't they the parents the children ought to go to? Well, I guess not everyone is mature enough to be married yet, not to mention becoming parents and the like. That's all about my experience with a hilarious thing happening. I hope you enjoyed the read. Have a fulfilling week ahead.
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