Hello everyone, welcome to my farmland, today I'll be sharing some mind-blowing health benefits of the bitter leafs, that as been of great benefit to me personally on many occasions and I'll also be taking you through my other crops in my farmland like yam and pawpaw.
The health benefits of the bitter leafs I'll be sharing is one that I even still experiment and make good use of today, it happens that after going through some basic home task yesterday night, I retire to bed, so I can rest and wake-up refresh to begin a brand new day today.
But unfortunately for me, no matter how much I tried, I just couldn't fall asleep, and since it's late, I decided to write my newbies initiative task, hoping I'll sleep off while working on it, but still yet I couldn't sleep.
And by before I knew it morning as arrived, without me getting any minutes of sleep, so I concluded that I must be suffering from insomnia, which is a state of being unable to sleep.
And to relieve my system and bring my body to a state of calmness, I quickly rush into my backyard garden, and cut some bitter leaf
These is a solution I've use many times to cure different health challenges, I was learn about it effectiveness to insomnia from my grandparents, so I cut some of the leaf, raise it with a clean water, then put it in a cup, what I add small portion of water.
After this I begin to mashed the leafs with my hands, unlike the fluid from the leaf dilute with the small water I added to the cup, when the solution became greenish, I flitter out the leaf particles, then drank the solution.
After drinking it, I pink up my phone to start writing this post, but funny enough, I haven't write more than 30minute before the solution start to take effect, because I was literally dozing while typing, so I drop phone and sleep peacefully for nothing less than 6hours.
And aside curing insomnia, bitter leafs are also use to cure stomach upset, aid our blood and protect the body against cancer and the likes.
My yam plantation are all looking fine and perfect, even the leafs looks so fresh and healthy, and I can help but hope and long that the yam beneath the ground is also doing perfectly fine, hopefully it'll be all come out in big sizes during harvest lols 😁.
Although by the time 8 check on them, some of the log I use it holding the yam steam as fell off, so I dug a deeper hole and put the log in it, hopefully the wind wouldn't pull it down again.
Lastly here I'll be showing you my Pawpaws that are still just going, I remember just throwing some of it seed to the ground at these exactly location few months ago, and now I've about three different one spring out.
I can't wait for them to grow bigger and start producing fruit, because that will mean my days of buying pawpaw outside is over.
That's will be all for today, i appreciate you checking out my blog post and supporting me, have a wonderful time.
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