As the year draws to an end, many of us have loads of holiday plans and wishes that we long to have come true. Although most might seem impossible due to how twisted the wishes are and the like, for me personally during this holiday period, as we approach the festive season, I've longed for a particular thing that I wish to do, and I believe it'll be nice if that could be accomplished during this holiday season.
image gotten on canva
Over the years, I've mostly been the indoor type, although I love traveling and never shy away from sight-seeing and seeing new places whenever I'm given the opportunity. Along the line, one particular place I've had the desire to visit is one that's unique to my people, culture, and traditions as a Yoruba man. I've had this desire to pay a visit to the Osun Osogbo Sacred Groove. The Osun Osogbo Sacred Groove is a place that highlights some of the Yoruba people's history. The place is a scarred grove that cuts across different aspects of our culture, tradition, and the religion of our forefathers. Although I'm a Christian, I don't see visiting such a place as contradicting my religious beliefs. And if my wishes were to ever come true, then I'd most likely want to spend my holiday at the Osun Osogbo Sacred Groove. This scare grove is located in a dense forest on the outskirts of Osogbo, in Osun State, Nigeria, that houses many shrines, sculptures of the ancient civilization of the Yoruba people, and displays our mode of dressing, culture, and many more, to mention but a few. The Osun Osogbo Sacred Groove also housed the famous Osun River, which is one of the core gods in Yoruba land. The Osun River is said to have been a human being who later turned into a river. I really want to visit this place and learn about everything there's to know about the place and our culture.
And I believe having these wishes come true will be a dream come true; that'll make this holiday season one of the very best I've had in decades. I've had some friends visit the place and tell me about the place and their experience, and it kind of just makes my yearning for it grow more and more.
image by Julia Volk on pexels
Has I'm writing this blog post, and I won't be surprised if I decide to just make this my desire a reality by just visiting the place once and for all. This might mean I'm ongoing outside my budget, like we Nigerians would say, Who budget help?" Inasmuch as I'm fulfilling my wishes and desires, it doesn't matter if I go outside my budget or not; I'll make up for it by working more to acquire the money I'll spend on the trip.
That's about it for now on My desire for this holiday season is to visit the Osun Osogbo Sacred Groove, which holds great and vital information about us, the Yoruba people, our history, tradition, and lifestyle.
Thanks for your time. Have a wonderful day ahead.
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