Waking up one day to the realization that my parents were rich from the onset and had been hiding that from me is something that I'll accept with a mixture of emotions. That's understandable because such is coming as a shock to me, given the fact that I wasn't raised under the best of conditions. I'll feel hurt and betrayed by the fact that they may have caused me to undergo such hardship when all the resources that would have made life easier and more flexible for me were available, yet they made me go through struggles.
I mean, come to think of it, no one would be pleased that his or her parents were rich and yet chose to hide such from them, making them feel betrayed and destabilized. I'll be confused and have loads of questions running through my mind, like I'll start to question almost everything about them because I won't have the ability to discern what is true or not, like are they even my parents? Don't they trust me enough with their wealth and the like?
The possibility of me having a feeling of resentment towards them can't be overruled because, trust me, I've undergone loads of hard times and struggles all in the name of accepting our fate and, in the process, doing rigorous activities that are more like inhuman justice so I can survive and amaze some amount enough to cater for myself, my siblings, and the same affluent parents who hide their wealth. In fact, forgiving such a revelation would be a very hard pill to swallow, and that's not because I don't love them, but because of their decision to hide their true status from me, I've in a bid not to fall into the same ditch as they did indulge in a job that pleagued me with a life-threatening injury, so looking at that scare and what I had to go through would make me resent them and find it hard to forgive, even to the point of questioning the legitimacy of them being my actual parents. But then, like I said in the first sentence of this article, it'll be a mixture of emotions, which means that inasmuch as I'm angry, hurt, and felt betrayed, on the other hand, after a while, I'll at least have a sense of excitement that my days of struggling are over and the age of working like an elephant and eating like an ant is over, because it's the absence of money that makes me indulge in loads of jobs and undergo sleepless nights, and in the end, I still won't earn something significant, so I know the access to more money, which means I can do little in the right channel to earn more.
Another reason why I'll have a positive approach to them hiding their wealth from me if because I might think within me that they're trying to protect me from the pressure of wealth, loads of people are born into a wealthy family and knows wealth from their tender age, and while this Is good, it can also be detrimental to such a individual, because you'll be use to having everything at your disposal and a scenario where such disappear could result into some unprecedented decision from me as someone who has never known lack.
Another thought that came to my mind immediately I saw this prompt question and why my parents could possibly hide their wealth from me is the fact that they probably want me to development a adequate work ethics, know how hard it's to earn money and overall understand the principles required to sustain and develop wealth.
I mean come to think of it, if I've everything available to me from on set, I won't see the need to work or might not really fancy the idea of a solid work ethic, even though I think that can still be encouraged by a rich parents to their children, I believe it's much easier for a child from a poor home to understand the situation of things and due to their desire to turn things around for good, such would work on their work ethic and financial management skills. So in the end it means like hiding their wealth seems to have it good and bad side, but left for me, I'll prefer if such isn't do because I've undergone so many struggles to have the a place in my heart to not resent them for doing such to I and my siblings because had them not do that, then our lives would have turn out better than it did. That's about all for now, and my opinion on the subject matter, I hope you enjoyed the read, do have a wonderful day and stay bless.
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