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Disappointment, to my own understanding, is an avenue whereby we were let down or got below our expectations in a particular thing or another; disappointment can come in any form; we can disappoint others, and others can disappoint us; all in all, according to @olujay, everyone is a Tanus in another man's world, which literally means we're all in someone's black book of disappointers, not withstanding how good we think we are.


***Image designed by me on canva.***

I was in a voice hangout with some friends a few hours ago in the hive learners community Discord channel, and one of the core subjects of our discussion was disappointment. During the course of our discussion, many shared their various experiences of how they've been disappointed by people around them, how they've disappointed people, and some even stated some times in their lives whereby they have disappointed themselves.

This gave me the understanding that disappointment can come from anywhere and from anyone, including ourselves towards our own selves, but the focal point that brings about disappointment, in my opinion, is having standards and expectations from things. Once we begin to create a standard or have an expectation of what we wish to get, then disappointment is inevitable when we get below our expectations.

Although it's worthy of note that we shouldn't because we want to avoid disappointment, then totally lower our standard below pal, not have a standard, or take whatever comes without any atom of displeasure or the other, each disappointment comes with a lesson, which you learn when you thoroughly vet how everything plays out. You'll be able to decipher the lesson, and that could, in the long run, serve as a blueprint to avoid such consequences subsequently.


[***Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.***](

In my opinion, being disappointed isn't totally bad, because I felt that getting everything you want the exact way you want it per time will be a hindrance to learning about the side of perfection and how to navigate through it when in a situation like that, because getting disappointed gives you the opportunity to take a look at things once again, vet all possible options, and determine if following such a path is reasonable or if jumping ship will be the best path to navigate through it.

There is this saying that every disappointment is a blessing; for this saying, I don't know where to really stand, but firstly, I doubt if every disappointment is a blessing, because if a situation of no remedy arises, like performing a surgery that leads to someone's death, in that situation you've disappointed not only your patients but also their love once, and if you weren't lucky with the mistake that led to such a death, your doctorship gets revoked and you won't get the opportunity to right the wrong on other patients.

And on the other hand, I think people said it's a blessing because you can take the disappointment as a life lesson to do better subsequently in other dealings relating to such, but like I said earlier, in a situation where there is no remedy, such things might not really matter. Well, I stand to be corrected, and I look forward to hearing about your opinion on this subject matter in the comments section.

NOTE: I make use of Quillbot grammar checker features to help correct some of my grammatical and punctuation errors after writing my content by myself.

Thanks for your time, have a blessed day ahead.

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DEALING WITH DISAPPOINTMENT was published on and last updated on 27 Mar 2023.