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Can the inevitable be avoided?

About four months ago, we were in a tight and difficult situation in my nation due to the currency note redesigning and the act of rendering the old one useless. These led to hunger, striving, protest, and the inability to get access to one's own money because of the scarcity of the new note until the government reinstated the old former note as legal tender until December. Unfortunately,  we're gradually approaching December and we still can hardly see the new note.

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[***Image by ismail seghosime on Pexels***](

I totally almost forgot a new note was made because ever since the old note was reinstated as legal tender, I can tell you for sure that I've not come across more than one or two of the new notes. And as December approaches, I can't help but be worried if the same issues we faced a few months ago won't play out once again once the deadline given by the government elapses.

We can't really blame the people for these; I felt the government also ought to use these opportunities to print as much note as possible to go around for a popular of over 200 million citizens, but instead the old note is all we're seeing, and that can only mean that should the government stand their ground to go by their earlier deadline, the same issues we face then are definitely going to repeat themselves.

I'm overly disappointed and unsure of what to do, but personally, I've decided to from now on save every single new currency I get, so it can come in handy when the deadline comes. But another thing we just need to hope for is that since a new president will be our leader by then, hopefully he'll do things in a way that favors the citizens to help escape the terrible situations.

Thanks so much for your time, have a blessed day ahead.

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Can the inevitable be avoided? was published on and last updated on 26 May 2023.