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A Reflection on the Aspirations and Challenges of My Year-End Goals

At the beginning of the year, a lot of us have goals and resolutions for what we dream of achieving before the year comes to an end. Just like everyone else, I've also got loads of goals I set aside for this year, though not all have come to fruition. I'm grateful I've fulfilled some, and today I'll love to talk about some of the pending ones and what I think about whether they could be achieved before this year comes to an end or not.

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Earlier this year, I set loads of goals, both here on the hive and in my life outside of the hive. While the goals set for the hive are still intact and ongoing, I can't say the same for most of my offline goals, although I'm grateful I've been able to actualize some of them, which I'm grateful for. Take, for instance, that I used to have issues with electricity prior to this year, and to resolve that, I made a goal to resolve that. Currently, I no longer have that issue because I've purchased a solar panel that helps me generate electricity throughout the day.

There were other major ones. Among the goals I've been able to accomplish, but others weren't achieved due to unforeseen circumstances like my depreciating health, family needs, and the like, one of the major goals this plight affects is my ambition to purchase a land property here in my new community, and the other is to make a new sofa chair given the fact that the current one is too old and isn't too presentable to guests.

As regards the land, I actually made an effort towards getting one and even went on four trips with different land agencies to secure one. Unfortunately, the amount is way above my purchase, and given the fact that there are still extra charges after making the first payment that I was thinking were too high, I got to learn that it's usually so with estate agencies, so it's better to buy directly from individuals because it's cheaper than an agency.

Unfortunately, while this could have been achieved at a particular time, things fell apart with my health, and I had to divert a huge percentage of the money into it for good health. Most of the others were also spent on family needs, so obviously, as it stands now, this isn't visible this year again unless something out of the ordinary happens.

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The second unachieved goal, which was to make new sofa chairs for the living room, is still kind of achievable, although that would mean I've got to cut costs with how I spend on other things and also save up to more for this dream to actually happen within the next four months. This might not happen in the first two months, but I think it can happen in the later two months if I commit myself to it. That might cost about 200 thousand naira, but I'm optimistic.

Last but not least on my list of goals is purchasing a new smartphone. My current one is very old and isn't working as perfectly as it once did, and I guess it's high time I replaced it with a new one. To achieve this, I might need a huge amount of money too, because I wanted something with better specifications. I believe this can still be achieved this year, and I'm optimistic about it.

That's all about my goals and hopes of achieving them before the year comes to an end; it's written in response to the Hive Learner Community Features prompt.   Thanks for your time; have a blessed week ahead.

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A Reflection on the Aspirations and Challenges of My Year-End Goals was published on and last updated on 04 Sep 2023.